Where is Gulfside Sunrise?
Gulfside Sunrise is in Cedar Key, Florida. Cedar Key is approximately 50 miles southwest of Gainesville, Florida on Florida Highway 24. We are also 2 hours from Tampa International, 2-3 hours from Orlando or Jacksonville. If you are flying to our community, you will want to check on flights to Tampa International Airport or Orlando International Airport. Gainesville does have an airport, though it is smaller and flights tend to be somewhat limited. If you would like to fly to the Cedar Key Airport, that is also an option for small planes. Check out George T. Lewis airport (KCDK) for more information.
On the way in, we usually stop at the Publics Market on RT 24 a mile or so from I-75 to stock up on food, also gas up there as it's cheaper than on the island.
Take State Route #24 in Gainesville, Florida (Exit 384 on I-75) southwest for approximately 50 miles. Continue on SR 24 until you come to the stop sign in Cedar Key. At the stop sign (Second Street), turn left and follow that to the very end past the Cedar Key Town Park.
Second Street dead-ends into two driveways; take the left fork into Old Fenimore Mill Condominiums. You've arrived! The Fenimore Mill rental office (for picking up keys) is the first building on your right.
We even have a paved airstrip right on the island, (and taxi service) so you can come by private plane.